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Research Vision

Research is the best investment of the present, to make a better future. 

Research Interrests

- Prevention, mitigation and containment of boxwood blight

- Mechanical transmission of boxwood blight

- Fertilization effect on boxwood susceptibility to boxwood blight

- Effect of ozone air pollution on boxwood and their interaction with boxwood blight

- Breeding resilient wheat varieties (High yield + Rust resistance + Ozone tolerance)


- Phytobiome of ozone-stressed plants


- Plant and human pathogen invasion of ozone stressed plants


- Genetic control of ozone tolerance in wheat


- Physiological responses to ozone stress 


- Ozone effects on biological control agents and plant growth promoters


- Crossroads of ozone tolerance and rust resistance in wheat


- Ecological impacts of ozone sensitivity and tolerance in plant communities

Research Experience
Research Experiences

​- Experimental design, statistical analysis and coordination of multidisciplinary experiments, in the lab, greenhouse,  semi-open and open field.


- Phenotyping of plant disease resistance and stress tolerance using image analysis and visual estimation.


- Genotyping of resistance and tolerance to plant diseases and environmental stress using SNP markers.


- Quantification of disease components (Incubation and latent periods, Receptivity, lesion and pustule size)


- Biochemical quantification of ozone stress in leaf tissue by staining ROS using DAB and NBT.


- Physiological responses to plant stress (Photosynthesis, Stomatal conductance, leaf water potential).


- Architectural, phenological, biomass and yield quantity and quality responses of plants to ozone stress.


- Race identification of stem and leaf rusts of wheat


- Collection, storage and quantification of Rust inoculum


- Ozone exposure systems and regimes


- Diagnosis of ozone symptoms on different plant species


- Biomonitoring of ozone air pollution with crops and natural vegetations

Research Training
Research Trainig

2017    Southeast Regional Engagement Workshop | Fourth National Climate Assessment | Hunt Library
| NC State University.

2016    Statistical analysis of disease incidence data | APS annual meeting | Tampa, Florida, USA.

2015    Industry/Government Tour | Syngenta, Bayer, Dow AgroSciences, Monsanto and USDA-APHIS |
APS-Office of Private Sector Relations | Research Triangle Park, NC, USA.

2014    Identification of Stem Rust Races | USDA-Cereal Disease Lab, ST. Paul, MN, USA.


Research Projects
Research Projects
2017 Team member | Boosting boxwood blight mitigation capacities through technology development, and education | APHIS FY18| Not funded.
2017 Co-PI | Boxwood blight mitigation with horticultural anti-desiccant Vapor Gard | Virginia Agricultural Council| Not funded.
2016 Co-PI | Monitoring yield loss effects of ozone (O3) pollution on wheat, and identification of O3-tolerant germplasm for sustainable wheat production | USA. -Egypt Joint Board on Scientific and Technological Cooperation | Not funded.
2008 Visiting Researcher | Greece-Egypt collaborative research project | A Study of the effects of tropospheric ozone in biomass production and insect fauna composition of bio-indicator plants species in Egypt and Greece | Agricultural University of Athens, Greece.
Postdoctoral Research
Postdoctoral Research at NC State University
At NC Virginia Tech University
Boxwood sensitivity to ozone air pollution
Prevention, mitigation and containment of boxwood blight
Mechanical transmission of boxwood blight
Fertilization effect on boxwood susceptibility to boxwood blight
Effect of ozone air pollution on boxwood and their interaction with boxwood blight
At NC State University
Boxwood sensitivity to ozone air pollution
Validation of ozone yield responses of doubled haploid lines of winter wheat under semi-open and open field conditions (in open top chambers, and ambient-air exclusion system).
Validation of ozone responses of non-vernalized winter wheat seedlings comparing to vernalized seedlings.
Crossroad of rust resistance and ozone tolerance in 43 near-isogeneic lines of spring wheat cv. Thatcher, and the identification of NILs with differential ozone responses.
Investigating the potential ozone protection of plant growth promoting microbes comparing to EDU (antiozonant).
Effect of ozone stress on wheat seedlings invasion by listeria (human pathogenic bacteria).
QTL analysis of stem rust resistance and ozone tolerance in a doubled haploid population of 279 lines.
Doctoral Research
Doctoral Research

Dissertation title: Effects of Near-Ambient O3 and CO2 on Wheat Performance and Interactions with Leaf and Stem Rust Pathogens. 


Read Dissertation

Screening breeding lines, recent and historical (released over two centuries) varieties of red winter wheat varieties for ozone responses
Ozone responses of the rust universal-susceptible panel of wheat genotypes, and their suitability for breeding and phytobiome research.
Individual chromosome contribution to the ozone responses of spring wheat variety "Chinese Spring".
The effects of elevated ambient ozone and CO2 on the disease components of stem and leaf rusts of wheat.
​Effect of ozone and CO2 concentrations, exposure timing and duration on stem rust disease on winter wheat.
Phenotyping stem rust resistance and ozone tolerance in a doubled haploid population of 279 lines, under greenhouse and open field conditions.
Masters Research
Masters Research

Thesis title: Suitability Assessment of Some Egyptian Ozone Bioindicator Plant Species under Greek Environmental Conditions.

Screening Egyptian snap bean, garden rocket and  jute mallow varieties and ecotypes for ozone tolerance.
Evaluation of ozone responses using visible, biochemical and physiological parameters.
Investigating the suitability of the selected genotypes under open field conditions.
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